libraryworld HELP
Articles Found: 16

Checking Items Out
To check an item out to a patron: (Circulation)
Checking Items In
To check an item in: (Circulation)
Renewing Items
To renew an item: (Circulation)
Placing Items on Hold
By placing a hold on an item, you are telling the system that only a specific patron can checkout a specific item. (Circulation)
Clearing a Hold
To clear a hold on an item without checking the item out to the specific patron: (Circulation)
Placing Items on Reserve
Reserves allow you to place an item on hold that is already checked out by another patron. By placing and item on reserve, you are telling the system that only a specific patron can checkout a specific item after it is checked in. (Circulation)
Self-Service Portal
The new self service circulation program is now available. (Circulation)
Circulation Email Options
LibraryWorld now allows automatic email notices when items are checked out, checked in, renewed and put on hold. (Circulation)
Can I set a temporary due date?
Yes. You can set a temporary due date to specify an alternate due date for a special circumstance. (Circulation)
When I check out books, the due date is in the past. Why?
There are 2 possible causes: (Circulation)
The due date is wrong or never changes in Circulation. Why?
There are 3 possible causes: (Circulation)
Circulation Transaction Email
During checkout, you can now send an email to the patron with a list of their current transactions. (Circulation)
Changing the Location of an Item
To change the location of one or more items using the circulation module: (Circulation)
Lending to Another Library
Interlibrary Loan is the process whereby a patron of one library can borrow books, DVDs, music, etc. and/or receive photocopies of documents that are owned by another library. (Circulation)
Borrowing from Another Library
Interlibrary Borrowing is when you are borrowing an item from another library to check out to a patron. Once you receive the item, quickly catalog it with the New Record button in the Catalog module.  (Circulation)
In-House Circulation Tracking